Casa Azul of Greensboro, NC is an organization that began in 2010, gathering local Latino artist, professionals, and enthusiasts working to promote Latin-American art and culture to increase the understanding of Latinos in the area and encourage community involvement.
As an artist, I was invited to participate in the design of a mural for the community to paint and use as the theme for the annual festival.
“My subject matter is a combination of cultural identity and the use of artistic elements to capture the narrative that I am looking for. I use nature, architecture, color and a fragmented composition to achieve movement and life. In this mural I use the concept of a women, holding the whole weight of the architectural composition, to be the pilar of every hispanic family. Henceforth, the importance of the hispanic beauty, of its art, culture and history, as a symbol of unity as much as our mother tongue -Spanish- that identifies us as one.” - Sofia Tabío